Jayam Ravi’s Instagram account recently became a focal point of controversy when it was managed by his ex-wife, Aarti. Despite his repeated requests to regain access, Aarti did not comply until he appealed to Meta and successfully regained control. This incident unfolded amid the couple’s personal turmoil following Jayam Ravi’s public announcement of their divorce, which he cited as due to personal reasons. Aarti expressed her shock and sadness at being blindsided by the announcement, claiming she had not given her consent and that such a significant decision should have been handled with more respect and privacy.
Aarti revealed that she attempted to discuss their separation with Jayam but felt unprepared for the public declaration. She described the divorce as a one-sided decision that she believed would not benefit their family, emphasizing her commitment to their children’s well-being during this challenging time. The situation has been further complicated by rumors of Jayam Ravi’s alleged secret relationship with Goan singer Kenishaa Francis, fueled by reports of his frequent visits to Goa in recent months.
This unfolding drama highlights the complexities and emotional challenges that can arise when personal relationships turn toxic, impacting both the individuals involved and their public personas. As discussions continue around this high-profile divorce, it remains to be seen how both parties will navigate the aftermath of their separation.