In the latest episode of “Unstoppable with NBK,” hosted by Nandamuri Balakrishna, the actor made headlines with the announcement of the highly anticipated sequel to his iconic film “Aditya 369.” Titled “Aditya 999,” this new installment will feature his son, Nandamuri Mokshagna, in the lead role. Balakrishna, who appeared dressed as a scientist reminiscent of his original character, teased fans about the film’s cutting-edge technology and visual spectacle set for release in 2025. The episode also showcased candid moments with guests Naveen Polishetty and Sreeleela, who shared personal stories and insights into their careers. Balakrishna’s revelation about wanting to play a hero in Rajamouli’s films and a villain in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s projects added an extra layer of excitement to the show. With “Aditya 999,” fans can expect a thrilling continuation of the beloved sci-fi saga that has captivated audiences since its debut.