R.K. Deeksha is a self-directed film by renowned director, producer and president of Telangana Film Chamber Pratani Ramakrishna Goud under the banners of Films and Snigdha Creations. Produced by Pinishetti Ashok Kumar and RK Goud. Kiran Kumar and Alekhya Reddy are acting as a couple. Director producer RK Goud told the progress of this film in a recent event.
On this occasion, director producer RK Goud said – The shooting of our ‘Deeksha’ movie has been completed and the graphic work and post production programs are going on at a fast pace. There are 5 songs in this movie. Music director Raj Kiran has provided excellent music. A movie with good content. Aksa Khan did a wonderful dance in the special song. JVR acted in a good character. We have made the movie with the point that if we have “deeksha” we can achieve anything. This point connects to every single audience. Because in our life there is a desire to achieve something. Hero Kiran’s performance in this movie is impressive. This is a film that will bring him good name as a hero. Our producer Ashok Kumar is guiding us from behind. Thanking him, he said.
Actress Aksa Khan said – I have done a good character in the movie ‘Deeksha’. This is a movie with a good concept. Thanks to RK Goud for giving me the chance to act in this movie. He said that he is happy that RK Goud has given him the opportunity to make a women’s kabaddi movie in 18 languages along with this film.
Actor JVR said that he played a good character as the principal in the movie “Deeksha”. My role is a combination of comedy and seriousness. Director RK Goud gave me an opportunity to act in a great role. He said that he wants this film to be a big success with new and old actors.