Director Subbu Mangadevi recently shared insights about his upcoming film “Bachchala Malli,” featuring Allari Naresh in the lead role. Known for his previous work in “Solo Brathuke So Better,” Subbu emphasized that “Bachchala Malli” is a character-based movie that explores deep emotions and relatable themes. The story revolves around the titular character, who embodies a unique blend of foolishness and bravery, set against the backdrop of the 1990s. Subbu explained that while the character of Bacchala Malli is inspired by tales from his childhood, the film is not based on a true story. He highlighted the importance of portraying emotional love stories in today’s context, aiming to connect with audiences on a personal level. The film, produced by Rajesh Danda and Balaji Gutta, is set to release on December 20, 2024, and has already garnered positive attention from its teaser and songs. With a talented cast including Amrita Iyer and Rao Ramesh, and music by Vishal Chandrasekhar, “Bachchala Malli” promises to deliver an engaging cinematic experience.