Love Reddy is a film jointly produced by Geetans Productions, Seheri Studio, MGR Films and Banners. Anjan Ramachandra and Shravani Reddy are playing the lead roles in this film, which is going to release in theaters on October 18 after completing its shooting. Smaran Reddy is going to be introduced as a director with this movie which is being made as a pure love story based on some real events in Andhra Karnataka Badar. Sunanda B. Reddy, Hemalatha Reddy, Ravinder G, Madan Gopal Reddy, Nagaraj Birappa, Prabhanjan Reddy, Naveen Reddy are the producers and the producers of this movie are Suma, Sushmita, Harish, Babu, Ravi Kiran and Zakaria.
Recently, the teaser of the film Unit Love Reddy has been released. Members of the film unit participated in the teaser event.
Hero Anjan Ramachandra said…
Media friends are happy to release the teaser of Ma Love Reddy movie, this movie will surely create sensational. We believe that good films will definitely succeed, we have worked hard like everyone else, the audience will go on a journey with this film for a while after watching the film, they will come out with a great feeling at the end of the film, they want to support our film on October 18.
Director Smaran said…
Thanks to the press people who are supporting us, Love Reddy movie has come so far because of the hero Anjan Ramachandra, we have a long journey between us, we have done short films together, now I am coming to you with the movie, the heroine Shravani has acted very well, everyone has worked hard for this movie, Sunny. Music, Varaprasad’s camera work is good, Mohan Chari and Askar Ali worked as cameramen for this movie, Editor Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao’s support is unforgettable, Maithri said that they are happy to release our movie.
Producer Madan said…
Hero Anjan Ramachandra, director Smaran journey has been there since 10 years, Love Reddy, the film they are working together, is a film coming with good content, I hope the audience will enjoy watching this film on October 18.
Hero: Anjan Ramachandra
Heroine: Shravani Reddy
Story, Screenplay, Direction: Smaran Reddy
Producers: Sunanda B. Reddy, Hemalatha Reddy, Ravinder G, Madan Gopal Reddy, Nagaraj Birappa, Prabhanjan Reddy, Naveen Reddy
Producers included: Suma, Sushmita, Harish, Babu, Ravi Kiran, Zakaria
Executive Producer: Ravindra Reddy
Music: Prince Henry
Editing: Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao