“Love Reddy,” a romantic film directed by Smaran Reddy, is currently trending nationwide on Amazon Prime Video and is also available for streaming on Aha. Produced collaboratively by Geetans Productions, Seheri Studio, and MGR Films, the movie features Anjan Ramachandra and Sravani Reddy in lead roles. Based on real incidents, “Love Reddy” tells a heartfelt love story that has resonated with audiences since its theatrical release on October 18, 2024. The film received a positive response, being labeled a “super hit.” Its availability on streaming platforms has further amplified its reach, allowing more viewers to enjoy the narrative. The technical team includes music by Prince Henry and editing by Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao. With an IMDb rating of 9.1, “Love Reddy” has captured the hearts of many, making it a must-watch for fans of romantic cinema.