Meenakshi Chaudhary has faced significant challenges following the release of Vijay’s film “The GOAT,” which received heavy criticism for its weak storyline, poor direction, and subpar visual effects. Despite her hopes for a substantial role in the film, her character was largely insignificant, leading to disappointment among fans. This pattern of having negligible roles has contributed to her feelings of frustration and depression, as she revealed in a recent interview. Meenakshi shared that after being trolled for her performance in “The GOAT,” she fell into depression for a week. However, she found solace and appreciation through her role in Dulquer Salman’s “Lucky Bhaskar,” which helped her regain confidence. Looking ahead, she is optimistic about her upcoming role in Venkatesh’s “Sankranthiki Vasthunnam,” where she anticipates a more impactful character.