Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu recently appeared on Nandamuri Balakrishna’s popular show, Unstoppable Season 4, where he discussed various topics, including his experiences leading up to the elections and the challenges he faced during his time in jail. He highlighted the support he received from Pawan Kalyan and his family, emphasizing the significance of the Yuvagalam Padayatra for his son, Nara Lokesh. CBN recounted a conversation with Pawan Kalyan during his jail visit, suggesting they unite for the elections, which Pawan agreed to after some consideration.
Naidu also shared an emotional story about responding to a father’s plea for water during recent floods, showcasing the TDP and NDA’s dedication to restoring normalcy quickly. He elaborated on how the Yuvagalam Padayatra was Lokesh’s initiative aimed at establishing his own identity beyond being NTR’s grandson or Chandrababu’s son. This marks the first time Naidu spoke extensively about Lokesh’s growth.
While CBN and Lokesh have often presented themselves as leader and lieutenant in public, Naidu did not attend the Padayatra until its conclusion in Vizag. Addressing the Laddu controversy, Naidu stated his respect for all faiths and emphasized that it is their duty to protect places of worship across religions. He concluded with his vision for Amaravati, aiming to develop it into one of the world’s leading cities.