Jayam Ravi, the popular Tamil actor known for his role in Mani Ratnam’s “Ponniyin Selvan” films, has officially announced his divorce from his wife Aarti after 15 years of marriage. The actor shared the news through a heartfelt statement on his social media accounts on September 9, 2024. In his message, Ravi explained that the decision to separate was made after much reflection and discussion, citing personal reasons that he believes are in the best interests of everyone involved. The couple, who married in June 2009, are parents to two sons, Aarav and Ayaan. Ravi requested privacy for his family during this difficult time and urged the public and media to refrain from speculation and rumors. The announcement comes after months of speculation about their relationship, which intensified when Aarti removed photos of Ravi from her Instagram account earlier this year. Despite the personal challenges, Ravi assured his fans that he remains committed to his acting career and bringing joy to his audience through his films. The news has shocked fans and the film industry, as the couple was often seen as an ideal pair in Tamil cinema.