Priyanka Chopra’s rise to international fame has brought both accolades and challenges for her family, particularly for her brother, Siddharth Chopra. Madhu Chopra, Priyanka’s mother, revealed that Siddharth has been significantly affected by his sister’s success, describing him as “collateral damage” in the wake of Priyanka’s stardom. Growing up largely in isolation while his mother focused on Priyanka’s burgeoning career, Siddharth faced difficulties navigating his adolescence without parental guidance. Despite these challenges, he is actively working on his personal development, as evidenced by his recent engagement with Neelam Upadhyaya. This situation highlights the emotional toll that celebrity status can impose on family dynamics, often overshadowing the personal growth of those in the background. While millions admire Priyanka’s achievements, Siddharth’s journey illustrates the complexities and sacrifices that families endure when one member reaches for the stars.