Sensational filmmaker Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri after making highly acclaimed films like The Tashkent Files, The Kashmir Files, The Vaccine War, has once again joined hands with pan India producer Abhishek Agarwal for another sensational project ‘The Delhi Files’. Abhishek Agarwal, who has produced blockbuster films like National Award-winning Karthikeya 2 and critically-acclaimed Gudhachari, along with the nationally acclaimed and box-office success The Kashmir Files, is producing the film under his banner Abhishek Agarwal Arts.
‘The Delhi Files’ has been in the headlines since its announcement. Recently the makers have announced the release date of Delhi Files which is being made in two parts. Vivek revealed that The Delhi Files – The Bengal Chapter will release on 15 August 2025.
On social media, Vivek Ranjan shared an interesting poster of Delhi Files – The Bengal Chapter announcing the release date of Agnihotri. “Mark your calendar. Aug 15, 2025. After years of research, #TheDelhiFiles is a powerful story. We are pleased to present to you the Bengal Chapter – the first of two parts – presenting an important chapter in history. #RightToLife,” he tweeted.
Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri traveled far and wide from Kerala to Kolkata and Delhi to gather comprehensive information for his film and did extensive research. He has read over 100 books and more than 200 articles on the historical events that form the backbone of his film and gathered information. He, the team traveled to 20 states for research, studied 7000+ pages of research, over 1000 archived articles.
After receiving nationwide acclaim, Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri is all set to take the audience on another sensational movie journey with the upcoming ‘The Delhi Files’.
Delhi Files is directed by Vivek Agnihotri under the banner of Abhishek Agarwal Arts and Pallavi Joshi. Presented by Tej Narayan Aggarwal & I Am Buddha, the film will have a grand worldwide release on August 15, 2025.