The web series The Mystery of Moksha Island, featuring Ashutosh Rana, Priya Anand, Nandu, Sonia Aggarwal, and Tejaswini Madiwada in lead roles, is set to stream on Disney Plus Hotstar starting the 20th of this month as part of Hot Star Specials. Directed by Anish Yohan Kuruvilla, the trailer for this suspenseful crime thriller was released today and is generating considerable interest among audiences.
The trailer reveals that the story centers around descendants who visit Moksha, a private island in the Nicobar Islands, which is meticulously crafted by Dr. Vishwak Sen. This island serves as a reflection of his inner world. The visitors soon find themselves facing unforeseen and deadly events. As they die one by one, the trailer raises questions about the reason behind the murders, the identity of the perpetrator, and why the heirs are being targeted. The intriguing trailer effectively builds curiosity about the series.
The cast includes Ashutosh Rana, Priya Anand, Nandu, Sonia Aggarwal, Tejaswini Madiwada, Pavani Reddy, Sudha, Bhanu Chander, Raj Thirandasu, Ajay Katurvar, and Akshara Gowda.
The technical team comprises:
– Costumes: Surya Koya, Shweta
– Art Directors: Srikanth Ramishetti, Remian
– Editing: Umair Hasan, Faiz Roy
– Cinematography: Naveen Yadav
– Music Director: Shaktikant Karthik
– Written by: Prashant Verma, Sanjeev Roy
– Creative Producer: Pranav Pingle
– Executive Producers: Praveen Kolla, Harish Katta
– PRO: GSK Media (Suresh – Sreenivas)
– Streaming: Disney Plus Hotstar
– Director: Anish Yohan Kuruvilla